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My Fibroids today March 24 2015

my fibroids today tuesday march 24 2015 fibroid photo

It’s been a while since I’ve written an update on the status of my fibroid battle. That’s mostly because I haven’t been worrying too much about my fibroids. There hasn’t been a battle to fight. My life hasn’t been all about my fibroids and how I feel from day to day depending on the size of my stomach.

For the most part I have been doing well. I continue to keep to a restricted diet of coconut milk, chia seeds, raw almonds and cashews (mostly in home-made butter form but also whole), occasionally raw peanuts and peanut butter, and kale. My restricted diet does include some other items such as ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. And occasionally a piece of salmon or cod fish. I had been having Quinoa in blended (pudding) form but I’ve had to cut that out after two episodes of unbearably painful stomach cramps after eating the pudding.

I do have to admit that in the last week I’ve sampled some tea biscuits and some crackers here and there. And even had a tiny bite from a milky way bar which contained milk. But for the most part I have been good about keeping to the restricted diet. I have been avoiding dairy and also trying to avoid gluten and sugar. And the benefit has been that my stomach has maintained the improvements seen following my 30-days stretch of avoiding solid food. I was supposed to try another 30 days off solids but that hasn’t taken yet. However I eat very little in the way of solid food throughout the day.

Life has been busy as I’ve been working hard trying to get back into the entrepreneurship game. I haven’t been allowing myself time to focus on what’s not right in my life. I guess it has helped a great deal that my stomach hasn’t been quite so enormous as back in December last year when I ended up at the emergency room. It’s easier not to focus on the fibroids when they aren’t insisting on being the center of attention in my life.

Kale spinach ginger turmeric coconut water

kale spinach turmeric ginger coconut water

It’s a beautiful sunny Thursday morning. Cold but I’m indoors so I can’t complain. Started my morning with a couple cups of ginger and turmeric tea. Followed that with a drink of kale and spinach blended in coconut water with more ginger and turmeric.kale spinach turmeric ginger coconut water 2

I did use a bit too much ginger and turmeric in the blended kale spinach drink. Hoping it doesn’t cause me any issues with my stomach as the day progresses.

All is well at the moment. Not planning on eating any solid food today. Trying to see if I can go another 30 days without eating solid food. I think the key is going to be finding a few other things I can safely consume in blended or pureed form. A few days back I tried a blender prepared rice pudding thing but it didn’t quite work. I think rice will need to stay off the menu. I also tried a blended tapioca pudding but I’m not sure if that works either. Will have to try it again before I decide.

Quinoa pudding

red quinoa in a white bowl

I’m planning on treating myself with quinoa pudding for lunch today. I found a few recipes so I’m going to be trying one. Unfortunately I only have a box of red quinoa on hand. Hopefully red quinoa can work just as well as white. We shall see. I’m looking forward to it.

In the meantime I am busy working, trying to get back into the business woman frame of mind. The fibroids have not been much of a concern for me lately. I think the lady who wrote to me about the need to stop empowering my fibroids was exactly right in her assessment. I have in fact been focusing all this time on getting my life in balance in the hope that doing so would result in getting back control over my life from the fibroids. My focus needed and needs to be on getting my life in balance period. When I consider all the possibilities of worse things that I could be dealing with, I realize she was also right in pointing out that I need to be grateful each day that I wake up to find that my burden is still lighter than the burdens so many others are carrying. Tomorrow I might not be so fortunate.

Cut to later…

I started this post earlier today. I have since had my lunch of blended red Quinoa pudding. Actually it was more like a porridge.

Blended Red Quinoa coconut milk porridge

Although it might not look terribly appetizing it tasted decent enough. It contains only red quinoa and coconut milk. I did add some sugar to sweeten. It was nothing to wow the senses but it was perfectly pleasant to consume. Now I feel full and shouldn’t have to worry about food for the rest of the day. Hopefully water and tea will keep me until tomorrow.

My Fibroids today February 17 2014


Monica posing black skirt black jacket white shirt february 5 2015

A few weeks ago I did some pretend-modeling work for one of my websites. These photos are from the session. I am sharing them to give visual evidence of how much better I have been doing in recent weeks by comparison to my situation in December.

30+ days on a restricted diet has enabled me to wear things I would not have been able to wear had I not ended up in the emergency room last December. But more importantly, I’ve been having fun with my life these last few weeks. And considering where I was at the start of the year I am thankful to be where I am at this moment.

Monica posing red skirt pink polka dot top february 7 2015

At the start of the year I was fearing the possibility of Ovarian cancer. I was also faced with what I was being told was a potentially life-threatening situation with my fibroids. They were apparently “dangerously big”. They needed to come out and they needed to come out immediately. Today my stomach doesn’t look that much different from how it looked at the start of the year. That’s because I am on my cycle. So my stomach is presently bloated. This is something I don’t think the doctors factored in when they saw me. They assumed my stomach is always in the condition that it was in when they saw it. But I was severely bloated with air in my stomach. I was looking like a blown up beach ball due to excessive gas related to my cycle. And I was on a cycle for all the doctors visits so my situation was by no means the norm at any point when I was seen by a doctor between December 2014 and mid-January 2015.

But over the previous 18 or so days, my stomach has been significantly less bloated. I haven’t been dealing with any bleeding. I haven’t had the additional stress of doctors appointments and hysterectomy talk and test result alarms and all that stuff. I’ve been relaxed. I’ve been focusing on my goals. And the benefit has been that my stomach has been co-operating for the most part. I have felt good.

The Diet

I continue to consume a limited range of foods. Still with the coconut milk, coconut water, cashew butter, chia seeds, cinnamon and kale. I switch between cashew butter and almond butter. I’ve been making my own almond butter.

monica's home-made almond butter

It’s amazing how much different almond butter tastes when you make it yourself. It actually tastes like almonds.

turmeric and ginger roots on a white plate

I’ve also gone back to drinking turmeric and ginger tea. I was was drinking that a few years ago when I had some success with managing the fibroid situation. This time around I am using the actual turmeric root instead of powder I buy in the spice aisle at the supermarket. I’ve been including yarrow flowers and leaves in the tea mixture. A fellow fibroid sufferer recommended the yarrow as a way of hopefully getting the bleeding under control. It has worked for her. Hopefully by March I will begin to see evidence that it is working for me.

turmeric root ginger root yarrow flowers and leaves tea

And for the occasional dessert I’ve blended chia seeds with almond or cashew butter (peanut butter if I have no almond butter or cashew butter), coconut milk, cinnamon and a sugar substitute to sweeten.

cocoa chia seeds almond butter cinnamon coconut milk pudding

My goal is to keep to this restricted diet for as long as my body is able to handle it. So far I am not suffering pangs of hunger. I feel well enough fed and properly nourished. I’m not feeling weak. I’m not feeling weighed down with depression. I’ve been calmer and more focused. And life has been much improved. I am in fact feeling quite happy at the moment.

Yes to Kale coconut water No to Lupron

kale blended in coconut water 2

Started off the day off with some kale blended in coconut water. It’s easy enough to get down. Won’t curl the toes but provides a good kick to start the day.

kale blended in coconut water

I said no to Lupron

Yesterday I was supposed to get a Lupron injection. I discussed with the doctors about first trying to shrink my uterus before attempting any kind of surgery. I mentioned about reading that women were put on Lupron by their doctors to try to shrink their uterus/fibroids before surgery. I expressed my concerns and my preference to try to shrink my uterus/fibroids a bit before attempting surgery. I wasn’t really asking to be put on Lupron; but I received a phone call day before yesterday saying the doctor had agreed to give me a Lupron injection and I should come in the next day for the treatment. I said okay, fine. But I didn’t really feel excited about the idea.

Lupron sounded like a good idea at first but…

Yesterday my son and I continued to do some research into Lupron and we decided that it wasn’t a good idea for me to get the injection. There are just too many Lupron horror stories out there. And the improvements I am already seeing after 13 days on my restricted diet of kale, coconut water, coconut milk, water (also occasionally chia seeds and cashew butter) give me reason to believe I can do this without Lupron. Maybe I’m being silly. I know the doctors think so. But at the end of the day I am the one in charge of my body. Whatever happens I will be responsible for my decisions.

Everything is a risk

When doctors lose patients they aren’t held accountable. The patient or their relative first has to sign a document removing the doctor from any responsibility in the event of greater damage to their health or death. Whichever way you toss the dice, if something bad ends up happening to me, it will be my fault.

I am aware that I am taking a risk by not getting medical treatment at this time. I would also have been taking a risk by getting the Lupron injection. I would also have been taking a risk by getting surgery on the 12th of February. So I’ve chosen to take the risk that gives me greater peace of mind right now. I am not ruling out surgery. And hopefully the doctors won’t write me off because I am choosing to do what I think is best for me right now over what they recommend. Hopefully if I decide after 2/3 months to go through with the surgery, I will still have the option to do so.



Coconut milk water cashew butter kale chia seeds


My diet over the last 8 days has been restricted to coconut milk, coconut water, water, kale (blended in coconut milk), blackstrap molasses, cinnamon, cashew butter, chia seeds.

coconut milk

I’ve been drinking a lot of coconut milk and coconut water. I haven’t been drinking them for any reason related to fibroids. Apparently I need to elevate my levels of potassium. But I can no longer eat bananas. So I’ve been drinking the coconut water for the potassium it contains. And I’ve been drinking the coconut milk because it’s the last option left for a dairy-free milk. I can’t drink the soy milk. I don’t particularly care for almond milk or cashew milk. I was avoiding the coconut milk because of the saturated fat content; but I finally decided to put those concerns aside. The coconut milk contains a fairly decent amount of calcium, vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D. It also contains a little bit of iron. Would be awesome if it had some protein. I can get down a glass of it more easily than almond milk or cashew milk. And it doesn’t appear to cause any digestive issues. So I’m going to stick with it for a bit.

Increasing daily water intake

Pouring water into mug

I don’t drink nearly enough water. Trying to keep 1500 ML of water right next to me to force myself to drink more water every day. So far I’ve taken a couple of days to finish the first 1500 ML.

The blackstrap Molasses

blackstrap molasses
I ran out of the Wholesome Sweeteners – Organic Blackstrap Molasses I’ve been using so I had to pick up some blackstrap molasses from the grocery store. The only brand they had was house of herbs blackstrap molasses. So I had to buy that. The House of Herbs brand claims to contain 70% of the daily recommended amount of iron. Not sure how true that is. By comparison the Wholesome Sweeteners contains 15%. But apparently blackstrap molasses varies. The House of Herbs version is not unsulphured. Perhaps that has something to do with the enormous difference in the claimed iron content?

The Chia Seeds

Chia seeds blackstrap molasses cashew butter

Using Chia seeds to help buff up my blended drinks and increase my calcium, protein and iron. Also using as a source of fiber.

The Cashew Butter

cahsew butter cinnamon

Using the cashew butter as additional source of iron and protein.

The Kale

kale on a white plate

Kale is amazing if the nutrients list I’ve found is 100% accurate. Just 1 cup increases my daily Potassium intake by 9%, my Protein intake by 5%, my Calcium by 10%, Iron by 5%, Vitamin C by 134%, Vitamin A by 133%, Magnesium by 7% and Vitamin B-6 by 10%. (this assumes the accuracy of information found via Wikipedia)

The Cinnamon

cinnamon in a white bowl

For being nothing but just some brown powder that you sprinkle over stuff and add to stuff to give an aroma and taste that evoke pleasant memories of childhood, cinnamon does a pretty decent job helping to increase (per 1 teaspoon): calcium by 7%, iron by 3%, and dietary fiber by 16% (this assumes the accuracy of information found via Wikipedia)

Releasing yourself from fibroid bondage


It’s possible to both take yourself too seriously and not take yourself seriously enough. I’m guilty of both. But neither is impossible to fix. My mind is kind of all over the place right now. I’ve been trying not to focus too much on my fibroids for the last few days. Trying to get back in control of things. Have composed a document to present to the doctors who are recommending that I undergo surgery on February 12. It is basically informing them that I would like to make an attempt to get the fibroids down a bit before I undergo any kind of surgery. At this stage my mind is made up that I will not be undergoing surgery on February 12. The only way that this will change is if something happens that leaves no room for doubt that the surgery has to happen immediately. So I am asking the doctors about Lupron. I suspect they’ll tell me Lupron is out of my budget. Hopefully there are other things they can try aside from Lupron. If there’s nothing I’ll just have to try to see what I can do for myself. But I am giving myself at least two more months. And if nothing improves then I’ll go ahead and get the surgery.

In the meantime I’m trying to get my life back on track. Things have been out of order for nearly two months. And I’m not sure there’s really anything going on at all. For all I know this is all about menopause being around the corner. It’s a perfectly valid possibility. I’m not sick. Most of the time I feel perfectly fine. It’s pretty amazing because I’ve been consuming mostly non solid food everyday for nearly two months. And I’m only consuming what my stomach can hold right now which isn’t much. Yet I feel very strong most days. I have been trying to make smart decisions about what I consume. Trying to make sure I am getting the nutrients I need. The excessive bleeding is really the only issue. And now that I know women can have a period every two weeks when menopause is near I am less inclined to panic about the fact that I had two periods in December and I am now on my second period for January. It’s messy and frustrating. But it is possibly perfectly normal. Why shouldn’t I go with that mindset? I’m not urinating excessively. My digestive system seems to be functioning just fine. The fibroid that usually makes it difficult for me to sit has dropped enough to allow me to do a head to knee forward bend without feeling any pain or feeling anything shift in my abdomen.

Why should I go with the mindset of crisis when my body does not feel as if it’s in crisis? I don’t feel that I should. And so I will not. If something happens to change my mind tomorrow, I’ll adjust accordingly.

Sunday January 18th 2015 10:58 AM


I don’t know where things stand for me right now. Yesterday I was 100% certain that I had come to a decision about the hysterectomy. That decision was that I wasn’t going to go through with it. Not in February. I was going to tell the doctor on Tuesday that I needed time to try to prepare my mind and body. I was going to ask about Lupron and trying to get the fibroids down in preparation for surgery to minimize the risks. But after speaking with my dad last night I’m not as sure about yesterday’s firm conviction.

I woke up this morning with a voice in my head telling me I’ve lived with this thing for far too long. I’m robbing myself of a comfortable life. But is it the fibroids fault that I haven’t lived comfortably or is it mine? Do the fibroids really get it my way every day of my life? I can’t say that they do. Between my mind (stress, depression, anxiety, worry) and the fibroids, I would have to say 95% of my problems have been caused by my mind and 5% by the fibroids.

Only insofar as they have made me self conscious about my body have the fibroids really been a constant bother. The in-between period bleeding happened only twice or 3 times since 2007. Last month’s bleeding was not a period. Last month I injured myself. I was being ridiculous working out like I was training for some power-pushing contest. I was pushing around a cart packed with pounds of weight. And I was blocking the cart with my couch so that I was having to push it around with the couch impeding my progress to make it more difficult to get from point A to point B. I was doing this for weeks. I started with my loveseat. Then I graduated to the couch. I strained something one day but didn’t pay attention to it. And not too long after, while doing a series of squats and kicks, I began to bleed suddenly. The bleeding stopped a couple of days after my trip to the emergency room. But it resumed again after I went cleaning my closet. I lifted a box and immediately started to bleed again. So I am convinced that was all the result of an internal injury.

Over all I don’t think that I’ve been suffering with a lot of symptoms from my fibroid like the doctors are assuming. Most of the time I’m going to the bathroom at a normal rate. I have had some heavy periods but most recently it’s been more like “where’s my period?” It seems to take longer to arrive. And when it arrives it’s not nearly as heavy as in the past. The first day is probably still heavier than normal for the average woman; but by comparison to my own heaviest days it’s not been as bad. And even while it might stretch over a few days, after the first full day, there is little to no bleeding. It’s almost as if I’m going into menopause. Frankly that would be the most awesome thing at this point. It’s like “bring it on!”

Are you giving fibroids too much power in your life?

take back your power

Last October I received an email from someone who had read some of the articles on my blog. She told me that it seemed to her that I was giving fibroids too much power in my life. Her email was very interesting. She shared her own story about her battle with fibroids. I wanted to share it on the blog because I think it is worthwhile for anyone battling fibroids to read. But unfortunately I did not hear back from her after writing to ask her permission to share the email.

The gist of the email was that I needed to no longer empower my fibroids. I needed to keep myself aware that there are people in the world who have serious problems. And keeping that in mind, I needed to try to dwell less on my problems. Which is not to say that there aren’t people with fibroids for whom the problem is serious. There’s a tendency to talk about fibroids as if they are harmless but women can and have died due to complications caused by fibroids. Even so, most women with fibroids do not have such a serious issue with it that it places their life in danger.

So the suggestion made by this lady was that I not let my fibroids dictate how I live my life. She said that this method worked for her. That she once thought she had shrunken them using natural means but that turned out not to be the case. And since then she made a decision to live healthy for herself and to be happy for herself and not factor her fibroids into the equation. In other words she wasn’t going to try to be happy and healthy in order to keep the fibroids from growing or help them to shrink. She chose to ignore her fibroids and treat them like they were an insignificant part of herself that would soon be history. And from that point her situation improved. She still has fibroids. She still gets bloated; but she’s amazing doctors with how well she’s doing given the number and sizes of her fibroids.

I have definitely been allowing my fibroid situation to dominate my life for too many years.

Taking a breath

kale spinach cocunut milk cashew butter smoothie 2

I’m feeling pretty good right now. I don’t know if it has anything to do with my green breakfast. I feel pumped up and energized. My green drink is kale, spinach and cashew butter blended in coconut milk. It’s not something one would call yummy; but it goes down. And if it’s responsible for my boost of energy and my present feeling of total balance then I can definitely deal with it lacking the yum factor.

kale spinach cocunut milk cashew butter smoothie 1

I’m also pretty comfortable right now as far as the fibroids go. They’re not affecting me while sitting down. Pressing my abdomen I’m feeling other tissue aside from the fibroid tissue. I can contract my stomach a bit, which is a big deal. Because when my belly is filled only with giant fibroids I can’t suck in my stomach in the least bit.

7 Hours later…
Well, I drank some ginger tea and used Splenda to sweeten it. Either the ginger tea or the Splenda caused me to bloat severely. So I am now uncomfortable and all my good energy from this morning is gone. But I am still glad I had a few hours where I felt like I could conquer the world. Hopefully I won’t stay bloated the whole day. Needless to say I cannot suck my stomach in at this moment. The difference between this morning and now is astounding.

Then call me stupid…

Monica artwork 2007

Apparently a hysterectomy is such routine surgery that it’s stupid of me to be worrying about the possibility of something going wrong. I love how everybody is so casual about the whole thing. One of the doctors laughed when I expressed concern about losing my life. He dismissed my concerns with a comment about the surgery not being the kind of surgery that requires making your peace with Jesus. It seems a little on the callous side to me to take a person’s fears so lightly and be so dismissive of their concerns over undergoing surgery, however routine the procedure might be. For everybody else it will be nothing more than an unfortunate occurrence if something does go wrong. I’ll just be one of the rare cases of a life being lost during a routine hysterectomy. So everybody can shake their head at me and get exasperated with me for trying to look at every possible alternative to surgery. But this is my life we’re talking about, and I’m not willing to take a casual attitude in coming to a decision about getting a hysterectomy. Being assured by doctors that it’s routine surgery that hundreds of thousands of women get every year does not obliterate my fears and concerns. I want to weigh all of my options and take whatever amount of time I need to come to the decision that is in my best interest and the best interest of my son.

I’m sure I am not the only person struggling with the decision about whether or not to go ahead with the recommended hysterectomy to get rid of my fibroids. Yes, I am afraid; but I don’t want to not do it because of fear. I want to not do it because I believe firmly without any doubt that it is not the right choice for me. Yesterday I felt certain that it was not the right choice. Today, I am reminding myself that I ended up in the emergency room because I injured myself working out. And the injury happened because the fibroids got in the way while I was doing squats. I started bleeding suddenly in the middle of doing a squat. And I bled for 11 days thereafter. Part of me wants to take that as a sign that things have reached the point where surgical intervention is necessary. But the other part of me knows that there was a reason the fibroids grew out of control between August – December 2014. That part of me believes the damage can be repaired. I don’t want to be irresponsible and pay with my life to prove that I can get my stomach back to resembling something reasonably normal. But I am the one who has lived in this body for over four decades. I know the mentality is that we’re supposed to trust doctors no matter what. But I’m being asked to trust a bunch of people who have said to me that they don’t really know what’s going on. They don’t know what’s what. They just know that they see a large mass. They can’t tell me anything about it. They can’t firmly tell me it’s doing something life threatening. They only believe that it must be threatening my life because it’s so big how could it not be threatening my life. But it’s just a guess. And the only way they can know anything for certain is to cut me open to explore my insides and make on the spot decisions about what to do based on what they find when they go in.

Other doctors told me the same back in November 2010(might be off on the year but I feel pretty sure it was 2010). They said removal was urgent. By 2012 I had gone from looking about ready to give birth to not looking pregnant at all on some days and only a few months on others. So this is not a case of believing without seeing for me. I know my stomach can go down because I’ve gotten it down before and I kept it at a manageable size for at least 2 years. Then I went back to my bad habits and made some critical mistakes with my food choices. And here I am trying to figure out, do I take the risk and get a hysterectomy in February or do I try to attack this thing again the way I attacked it starting back in November 2010? Is it in fact the case that I urgently need surgery now, or do I have enough time to play with that I can work to regain control over my situation? Obviously if my life is for a fact in immediate danger the surgery will have to happen.