Home Shrinking Fibroids 21 day juice fast for shrinking fibroids – Day 3

21 day juice fast for shrinking fibroids – Day 3


Writing this early in the morning on Day 4. Day 3 was a little bit tougher than days 1 and 2. I kept having cravings for solid foods, but I did not succumb to the cravings.

I still could not manage to get over 1000 calories consumed because I am still dealing with the issue of having to stretch the juices that I have available due to my present problem with funding. That meant that I didn’t have the kind of energy I needed when I went to workout. Probably all the extra work I had to do getting things packed for moving and trying to clean up the apartment in the hope of getting back the $1000 we had to pay as a security deposit helped to zap me of energy as well. I actually had to modify my workout around my lack of energy.

Drank a lot of water in between juice hours. A lot of water for me is probably not much water for most people. I need to work on improving my water drinking habit.

I suppose Day 3 is too early to start checking if I am seeing any change in my stomach. I’ll be honest and say that I don’t really expect that by the end of 21 days, if I manage to make it to 21 days when I don’t have money to afford juice, my fibroids will be gone. I don’t have any expectation that I’ll be fibroid free in 21 days. What I’m looking for is shrinkage that will be indisputable. Complete disappearance will be great but I think my someone working with as large a set of fibroids as I have been working with should expect to spend years shrinking their fibroids if they are going about it using natural remedies. I think it will be an incremental thing where they go down little by little with each year invested into trying to shrink them.

I do hope that I will be able to stay on this juice fast for the next 17 days.

Note: I will be offline for a few days while I transition from my present location to the new state where I will be moving this weekend so I will not update with my progress until I come back online.

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My name is Monica. I have fibroids. My fibroids are large enough that they have transformed my figure into something I am still trying to learn how to live with. In the meantime while I try to learn how to live with my fibroids I am also trying every possible method I can find to try to shrink them naturally because I am afraid of the idea of a hysterectomy. I lived with fibroids from 2007 - 2016. I started documenting my experiences on this blog in 2012. On March 7th 2016 I had a hysterectomy out of concern that I might have ovarian cancer. It did not turn out that I had ovarian cancer. The cancer scare forced the hysterectomy I was trying to avoid, and so, I became fibroid free as of March 7th 2016. I will try to keep this blog up and running in the hope that it will be of some use to others going through what I went through.


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