Home Journal How long does it take to for apple cider vinegar to shrink...

How long does it take to for apple cider vinegar to shrink fibroids?


Originally written 2011/08/16

As I mentioned previously I have been trying the apple cider vinegar remedy for fibroids more out of desperation than because I believe it can actually work to shrink my fibroids. I have been drinking apple cider vinegar for about 2 months now. I first started with regular White House apple cider vinegar. I drank 2 tablespoons with one-quarter teaspoon of baking soda straight, no water to dilute. It was horrible tasting but I stuck with it for a few weeks. Once it ran out I purchased a 32-ounce bottle of Bragg Organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. I decided to leave off the baking soda and make a tea concoction with the vinegar and some other ingredients instead. I drank this tea every morning until I finished the 32 ounce bottle of vinegar.

In addition to drinking this vinegar tea concoction I also started working out more frequently focusing on kick boxing and yoga. I cannot say if the vinegar is actually working to shrink my fibroids as I haven’t gone to get them checked and will not have an appointment with the doctor until November. However while my stomach is still protruding it is definitely flatter. I did start out with fibroids large enough to make me look like I was in my third trimester of pregnancy so I don’t expect that two months of trying the apple cider vinegar fibroid remedy is going to give me back my flat stomach, but I will be sticking with the vinegar tea recipe at least until my next doctor’s visit and I will be continuing with regular yoga and kick boxing and documenting my progress.

I have a long way to go and I don’t have any idea if this is going to work. Can you shrink fibroids naturally? I don’t know? Can apple cider vinegar shrink fibroids? Ordinarily I would laugh at the idea. It seems silly. It sounds silly. It probably is silly but I don’t have $10,000 for a hysterectomy. I don’t have health insurance. I don’t have any sensible ways of getting rid of my fibroids so I am going to try all the silly insensible ways I read about and if they don’t work, well then they don’t work and you can call me a fool for trying. In the meantime, my vinegar tea concoction is rather palatable and something is increasing my energy and allowing me to get through that hour of kick boxing and even enjoy it. My body is looking and feeling much better than it has in a while even with my fibroid tummy; and some of the more serious symptoms that had resulted in the doctor insisting I needed the hysterectomy asap back in December 2010 have gone. I will continue to update for anyone in a similar situation who might be interested in finding out if this thing works for me or not.

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Shrink fibroids naturally can it really be done?


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My name is Monica. I have fibroids. My fibroids are large enough that they have transformed my figure into something I am still trying to learn how to live with. In the meantime while I try to learn how to live with my fibroids I am also trying every possible method I can find to try to shrink them naturally because I am afraid of the idea of a hysterectomy. I lived with fibroids from 2007 - 2016. I started documenting my experiences on this blog in 2012. On March 7th 2016 I had a hysterectomy out of concern that I might have ovarian cancer. It did not turn out that I had ovarian cancer. The cancer scare forced the hysterectomy I was trying to avoid, and so, I became fibroid free as of March 7th 2016. I will try to keep this blog up and running in the hope that it will be of some use to others going through what I went through.


  1. I use the Braggs, and use black strap unsulfured molasses with some honey in a cup of warm water, followed by a cup of water. I can feel them my uterus is a little edgy and when I take that it feels better about after an hour.

  2. Hi there, I have fibroids, too. They started off really large, but with a myriad of things I have done and taken over time they have shrunk. Along with taking the Bragg’s ACV, I would suggest you take the mixture twice a day (take once before going to bed). Also, to help with balancing your hormones, try 1 tsp. of Coconut oil once a day for a few weeks, eat a diet of alkaline/non-estrogenic foods, eat broths, and make sure you keep Vit D3 high (get lots of sunshine or take supplements). Over a short period of time you will see/notice a difference in the size and hardness of the fibroids. When the body is able to get back to a balanced state, it begins to heal itself and the fibroids dissolve because the environment is not conducive for growth.

    Feel free to check out my blog at: http://www.shrinkingmyfibroids.blogspot.com

    You document a lot of great information that can help our fellow Fibroid sufferers.

  3. Try water fasting.. the toughest thing you’ll ever do next to have and raise a child… it shrunk my 8cm to 7cm.. not much for 81/2 days… but it’s a start… along with eliminating estrogens.. make your own soaps or use dr. Bronners!!!

  4. Hello
    My wife have a fibroid in header near left ear it is growing since last ten years about 10 mm think.
    Can someone suggest please the herbal solution for this problem.

  5. Hi. You are really working hard. I still advise that you get these Chinese supplements to help coz I’ve tried what you are doing but I got tired and as I go back to eat and relax it grew bigger. What is now helping me is mixture of Fohow, bell and Yeekong products. I am seeing the result. I am spending almost 100k or little more but its worth it. I take 2tabs curcumin morning/evening, 2stomatch alkaline M/Ev, 2immune booster tabs M/Ev, 2bladder and yeast infectionM/Ev, all of bell products. Then Fohow garlic 4cap Mor/Ev, Wonder inserting guffei bao, peeled the drug in Fohow panty. Soak 5 little green pieces in bottle of water and drank every day, these from Fohow. Then taking Lotus tea by Yeekong 2bags every evening. Take warm water through out the day, less sugar, no meat, milk, eggs and oil. I have started seeing the fibroid following the guffei bao after carrying for three nights. Drink lot of water. Fibroid needs this treatment for its roots to be completely destroyed or it comes back again. I can give you more advise on how to get and go about it with this number 08036479027 From Nigeria Plateau. Also the apple cider too. With these. Fast and permanent fibroid treatment naturally.

  6. I have a 10cm fibroid and a 4cm ovarian cyst and hoping that Braggs ACV will help me shrink it, i am planning to have it removed because i tried so many things. I even started chewing raw garlic in the mornings before breakfast and at night last thing before bedtime. I observed my jeans has gotten a bit roomy in my tummy area and i have lost a few pounds.


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